Hello. My name is Courtney.
I gradated (self plug- with honors) from an accelerated BSN program in August of 2018. I immediately started the part time DNP program at the same university. I worked in oncology before moving cities and going to the MICU-CCU. I quickly learned that critical care was not for me, and I have been working in hospice for over a year now and I love it.
@court.nurse on Instagram
A Little More about Me
I'm 27 years old.
I'm a whiskey gal..and a wine gal.. well what can I say I enjoy a good drink. UPDATE: sober as of Jan 2021
I didn't work while in nursing school, I saved $ working as a waitress before school and it allowed me to do the ABSN program without working.
I have no kiddos, and I am married.
I am a home owner.
I don't eat meat, simply because I don't like it. But I don't label myself with a particular diet.
I am extremely close with my family, particularly my parents.