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Nursing school is basically the best thing that's ever happened to me, but before I started I was SO nervous. I'm still nervous! Each day gets more and more challenging and I'm always worried that it will be "too hard."

Here are some tips and things to remember when starting nursing school:

  • Remember that you’re there to learn how to be a nurse- not necessarily to get a 4.0

  • This is a hard concept to adapt because most nursing students are very academically driven so the idea of not getting A’s is terrifying. I had to really get myself in the mindset that as long as I’m LEARNING the information then that is what’s important. Tests in nursing school are unlike any other test and most of the time multiple answers are correct. So when I miss a question instead of beating myself up I recognize the correct answer and focus on learning that and applying it next time!

  • Lots of people have worked in hospitals and it’s easy to feel like you’re behind.

  • When I started nursing school- other than shadowing a nurse one time- I had never spent time working in a hospital. A lot of people had experience. In our program we had several technicians, CNAs, pharmacist assistants, psychical therapist assistants, etc. So during lecture these people would chime in with their experience and I felt like my head was spinning with all the terminology and things they already knew! I felt so behind. I had to work on reminding myself that we were all there to learn how to be nurses. NO one there was already a nurse- and that’s what we are here for!

  • Literally everyone is nervous.

  • You are not alone! It’s such a weird mix of excitement and being totally terrified and basically everyone is feeling the same exact thing. Also, your professors have been there too! They understand that you are scared and they will help ease your worries the first few classes. Even though it’s nerve wracking, be sure to ask any questions about the syllabus the first class. Odds are everyone is wondering the same thing and it’s better to get clarification at the beginning of the semester rather than right before something is due!

  • Read, read, read!

  • Stay on top of your reading! I took notes and read the first assigned chapters before school started. You will have lecture your first day- so be ready! It also helps you stay on top of the whole semester and feel like you know what is going on when you go into class. When your professor ask a question in lecture you'll be able to answer!

  • Let's talk noms

  • Before staring school we took a trip to Costco and I stocked up on stuff! It's easy to think back to school shopping only means pens/flashcards/binders but don't forget that during nursing school you won't have nearly as much time to cook! Not to mention how much money it cost to eat lunch/dinner out all the time- so I brought my lunch literally every day! It was great to have a bunch of snack that I could just toss in my bag and munch on during the long school day! I recommend picking up things you can throw in the campus microwave or easily meal prep all at once

  • "But what will I wear!?" (-the Grinch)

  • Everyone is different- obviously. But personally I wear leggings and a t-shirt like everyday! Before classes started I picked up a bunch of leggings from New York & Company (so comfy, good quality, great price, and they have tall sizes!) and basic tees from Target. Some people get a little fancier but I'd say overall no one is worried about looks- we're there to learn! Pick up some super comfy shoes that match everything. Pack a jacket too- it gets COLD in lecture/lab! I actually brought my Snuggie in one day!

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